
We play a different tune

Sonolize is the online platform for composers, arrangers and musicians that offers and buys sheet music digitally. At Sonolize, we connect people together to discover and meet each other! This is how we work!

We play fair

Sonolize fully endorses the Fair Practice Code for entrepreneurship in the arts and culture sectors. This code invites you to take joint responsibility for a Fair Chain, in which artists and creators, and also those who make art and culture available, receive a Fair Share and Fair Income based on a value of their craftsmanship. And, without mail, paper or transport, we are very sustainable.

We play quick and easy

Sonolize buys and downloads music at a single mouse click. With high quality and wide variety, we connect composers between to each other and can play their inspired music to other musicians. Ordering means playing today, and everything easily explained. Check our website for this innovative initiative.



Sonolize: Compose Share Play



The basis of Sonolize

  • Our dream is to create a place for composers and musicians to come together, with a fair price for the composer and where you can easily download sheet music with one click. And in our increasingly fragmented musical landscape of personal websites, we help connect musicians together again.. 
  • Do you want to publish on your own website also? Or with a publisher? You can with Sonolize.  
  • Oh…. before we forget? Sonolize is free.

About rights

  • All copyrights remain where they belong - with the composer. So you decide which music you want in your catalogue. And it is easy to remove, edit and re-upload your music.

Let's talk finances

  • At Sonolize we offer an incredible 65% of the selling price instead of the usual 10%. The cost for using the platform is 35%. In this way, all the focus can be on the creative process. 
  • When your work is played, all royalties, Yesss, that is 100%, go to the composer.
  • You determine the price of your music yourself.
  • You have your own profile page and dashboard with clear view of your sales data.
  • Sonolize pays their composers every month.... instead of once a year as do most traditional publishers.  
  • Did I mention it's free?

Your own profile page

  • Sonolize offers you a personal composer page for your biography, sheet music and new items. Join it with audio, hyperlinks to social media, YouTube, it's all there. And we take care of making a nice cover for your music so that the website stays clear and quietly unified.

For our visitors

  • Our intentions at Sonolize are simple and clear. These are to offer our visitors a wide variety and hight quality of music on a transparent, easy website.
  • Sonolize is digital. This means: buy - download - play.
  • Sonolize is growing, so there is always something new to find there. No need to wait for catalogues, just check the website.
  • Looking for surprising combinations and cross-overs? We don't focus on marketability. So here's the place for finding something special you won't find elsewhere.  


Sonolize: Compose Share Play